Success story Asya Pili Fondo
I was born in a family of 5 with 2 older sisters and 2 younger brothers.
With my 2 sisters I was in the same secondary school.
The situation was very difficult for my family.
Dad has to take loans from work to assure our comfortability in school.
I was often sent home due to lack on schoolfees and forced to stay home untill the schoolfees were provided.
It was a heartbreaking and challenging situation.
I didn’t have most things required to have as a secondary student and I also had an eye problem but my dad didn’t have the money to buy me glasses so studying was a problem because without the glasses I had headaches due to struggling to look at the notes.
Then came : Mieke and Cees van der Voort.
They came to my rescue at 2011 so in form 2 all things changed.
My schoolfees was paid in full, studybooks and glasses were bought for me and most of all the encouragement and advice from them.
They came in Kenya and when they did they made sure to come and see me how I was doing with my studies.
This really gave me the might to fight for my studies since that was the only way to come out of life struggles and get success in life.
In 2013, my fourth year of secondary I got a health issue which was forced me to be at home, but Mieke and Cees where there for me, brought me to the hospital and gave me the willing to fight the disease and go back to school to finish my education.
At the end of 2013 I got my diploma of secondary and to be honest the results were not as I hoped for but they were still there with me, giving me what I needed and that was hope of betterment.
At 2015 Voort-in-Kenya held my hand again and they took me to College Mombasa Aviation Training Institute for studying Masscommunication and Journalism.
They catered for everything in the College and gave me the strength to move on.
While studying I also did photoshoots in weddings, parties and other events, and it really kept me going on.
By September 2017 I graduated in Masscommunication and Journalism !!!
Voort-in-Kenya really held my hand when I was on my way down and didn’t know what to do.
Now I am going for studies in Kenya Masscommunication at the University of Nairobi and Mieke and Cees are still there with me on this journey…..
My respect and love to Mieke and Cees, not forgetting my sponsors Ellen and Gaby for walking with me through, and helping me to achieve about what I thought that really was impossible.
I also want to help those who’s hands are tied and don’t know what to do.
I want them to know that:
no matter how the storm is, there is always a sun waiting to shine.
I am proud to say that I can do my work and also continue study for events, I can take videos also pictures and this was impossible to do without your support and love for me.